Joint Impact – to make a difference, we need to work together. Because only together can we overcome the huge challenges we currently face.

We are embarking on a journey into a new era. In order to chart the right course, we need to reorganize the way we work together – within companies, with other companies, and in society as a whole.

Jero Bentz

Volker Stühmeier

Statement of the
Chief Corporate Management

Conversations & statements

It takes numerous stakeholders to successfully tackle change.

More than ever before therefore: to make a difference, we need to work together – Joint Impact.

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2.2 % +

Sales in € thous.





3.4 % +

Employees in full-time employees, annual average





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Quiz of the year

Why are deinkable inks used in the print version of the Melitta Group's annual report?

EXACTLY! The capability to remove printing ink is a key process in paper recycling.

WRONG ANSWER — The Melitta Group uses deinkable inks for its annual report because the paper is then suitable for high-quality recycling. The ability to remove printing inks is a key process in paper recycling.

Coffee plant, hand (photo) Coffee plant, hand (photo)

Many of the things that applied for decades are now being questioned. The coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated the inevitable transformation process.

Never before has our world been so closely entwined as it is today: we exchange goods, data, ideas, and innovations around the globe at an ever-increasing speed. Our world is growing closer and closer together. However, this close entwinement also increases our interdependence. The huge challenges we currently face can only be overcome if we work together. This not only applies to sustainability, but also to demographic development, urbanization, and mobility. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted these close ties and interdependencies. It showed us how important it is to act collectively – and what forces are unleashed when we see ourselves as a team. To make a difference, we need to work together more than ever. But this new reality also revealed how fragile our systems are and how quickly things can change – things we took for granted just a short time ago. It has accelerated developments and trends and helped us focus on what really matters.

Structures and processes under review
Over the past year – an exceptional year by any standards – we at the Melitta Group have therefore been reflecting more intensively than usual on many fundamental issues: on the structures and processes of our operating and corporate divisions, as well as on the ways in which we work together and the models we use. We addressed questions about the design of our supply chains, and about our production processes, the further development of our brands, and the importance of various distribution channels. We considered the growing importance of digitalization and networking, as well as the changes in consumer behavior. And we held in-depth discussions about our corporate culture, our values, and the importance of close collaboration, cohesion, and our joint impact.

»To meet the demands of a new economy and a new society we need to chart the right course.«

Jero Bentz and Volker Stühmeier The Chief Corporate Management

We have approached these topics from different angles: How will the changes affect our products and services? How will our processes and structures have to change? Which new demands will be placed on our employees and workplaces? And which new abilities and skills are needed? The conversations with around two dozen of our employees featured in this annual report provide some of the answers to these questions.

Ready for change
Firstly, it has become apparent that we are currently changing our value creation processes more extensively than ever before. This is not simply a matter of fine-tuning, but rather of adapting and in some cases fundamentally redesigning our operating processes. Examples range from the realignment of our product ranges and the introduction of forward-looking working models, to structural changes in our supply chains.

Secondly, the willingness to change has become a key success factor. Although this may sound trivial, in view of the sheer volume and speed of the changing parameters, this attribute is becoming increasingly pivotal to our future success. For traditional companies like the Melitta Group in particular, it takes a great deal of courage to embrace the new and abandon the tried and trusted.

Corporate culture as success factor
Thirdly, this openness and fundamental curiosity about change must be embedded in a corporate culture that encourages and rewards this willingness. We believe that agility, flexibility, and resilience – derided as buzzwords just a few years ago – are now just as important as outstanding specialist knowledge, extensive experience, and an excellent network. After all, permanent change is the “new normal”. Every employee must regard change as something that concerns them personally – and not simply as something their employer is targeting. This is why we promote and demand that our employees think and act in an entrepreneurial way. We want to encourage them to assume more personal responsibility and take matters into their own hands – much more so than in the past. In view of the opportunities this offers, we are happy to accept any mistakes that may occur along the way.

»Many of the things we held for true over decades are now being questioned.«

Full illustration of people, hands, and coffee plants (photo) Full illustration of people, hands, and coffee plants (photo)

Fourthly, clear goals, motivation, and trust have proven to be the most important basis for commitment and passion in times of uncertainty. Managers therefore have a special role to play in such transformation phases. With this in mind, we attach great importance to the corresponding development of our leadership principles.

Fifthly, in times of upheaval, it quickly becomes apparent how clearly we understand our shared values. We are absolutely convinced that our values played a key role in helping us overcome the extraordinary challenges of the past year. And more than that: they played a major role in strengthening our cohesion.

Joint impact through cohesion
It goes without saying that developing solutions together has always been important. And it is hardly new to state that there is strength in unity. But if we want to make a difference in the future, we need to work hand in hand. This is just as true for society as it is for business. It is the only way we can tackle the major challenges of our time, gain new perspectives and potential, and together become a driving force for a future worth living. This is what we mean by joint impact.

The bottom illustration The bottom illustration