Coffee at Work
With its coffee at work® and water at work® brands, Coffee at Work® offers an all-inclusive service for coffee and water provision in the workplace. The offering includes the provision of coffee machines and table water dispensers, including regular maintenance. The services of Coffee at Work® also include the supply of coffee beans, milk powder, chocolate powder, and all other consumables.
Key Figures ’20
Sales in € thous.
Employees, full-time employees, annual average
Our highlight of the year
Content partnership with HSV
Fairness, team spirit and passion – these are the values that connect Hamburger Sport-Verein (HSV) with Coffee at Work®. They form the basis for a mutually beneficial content partnership. With its “water at work®” brand, Coffee at Work® not only sponsors the HSV III jerseys, but also provides fresh water to the players, athletes and staff at the club’s offices with its all-inclusive service.
Our positioning
Coffee at Work® clearly differentiates itself from the competition thanks to its easy-to-comprehend and fair service contracts, as well as its high standard of service quality. The agreements contain neither standard leasing, rental, or minimum duration terms, and give customers plenty of scope to tailor offerings to their specific needs. All repair and maintenance work is covered by the all-inclusive, flat-rate price.
Our strategy
The strategy of Coffee at Work® is focused on expansion and international growth. However, following encouraging progress in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown measures prevented the company from implementing its growth plans in the reporting period. As soon as the economic situation returns to normal, the defined growth and expansion strategy will be resumed in order to build on the positive development of 2019. Sustainability aspects will also play a greater role in the corporate and communications strategy of Coffee at Work® in the future.
Market and business trends in 2020
After a good start to the year, business began to stagnate as of March 2020. By the end of the year, a slight downward trend was already becoming apparent. As a B2B supplier, Coffee at Work® has been severely affected by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: many of its customers were forced to introduce short-time work and instruct their employees to work from home, or are dependent on state aid. However, the operating division has used this free capacity to focus on other areas, such as driving work on its new headquarters.
Outlook 2021
The operating division expects business to start picking up again in the third quarter of 2021 – although this will depend primarily on the success of efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The fresh at work® brand will be launched in 2021 and serve as an umbrella brand for the coffee at work® and water at work® brands.