Melitta Single Portions
Within the Melitta Group, Melitta Single Portions is responsible for all products connected with the preparation of hot beverages in the form of single servings. With its innovative solutions and products, the operating division aims to become one of the leading, globally operating suppliers for single-serve hot beverages. As of November 2019, Melitta Single Portions has been producing and marketing a premium range of individually portioned teas under its first-ever own brand Avoury®. With the Avoury® One tea machine and 40 certified organic tea varieties, Avoury® stands for a new and sustainable form of top-quality tea enjoyment.
Key Figures ’20
Sales in € thous.
Employees, full-time employees, annual average
Our highlight of the year
Avoury® – the tea experience
Our positioning
Like all other offerings of the Melitta Group, the products of Melitta Single Portions stand for high quality. For the development of its new solutions and innovative product concepts, the operating division draws on its own research activities, while also benefiting from existing know-how within the Melitta Group. The products developed by Melitta Single Portions are fully aligned with current and future trends and set new standards in hot beverage preparation.
Our strategy
The strategy of Melitta Single Portions is aimed at becoming one of the world’s top 3 suppliers in the single-serve hot beverage market. The operating division offers high-end products that combine quality, service, sustainability, and innovative strength. One area of focus is the premium segment. Key elements of the strategy are the internationalization of the product range and the constant expansion of the sales network by means of strategic partnerships.
Market and business trends in 2020
As a result of the pandemic-related closures of physical stores, key sales and marketing outlets for the new Avoury® brand were restricted in 2020. This meant that the planned sales figures could not be achieved. However, new distribution channels were adopted over the course of the past fiscal year and the dealer network was expanded. New marketing measures were also developed to raise awareness of the Avoury® brand. In addition, modern office space and an Avoury® showroom were added to the manufacturing plant in Minden.
Outlook 2021
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Melitta Single Portions expects to face further challenges in the current fiscal year. However, the positive customer response to the Avoury® range and the ongoing trend towards cocooning – whereby consumers retreat more and more into their private home environment – gives the operating division cause for optimism. In 2021, the operating division will continue to develop innovative distribution channels and new products, while at the same time driving its international expansion and increasing headcount.