Wolf PVG

Wolf PVG is a highly specialized systems supplier for all aspects of vacuum cleaning, industrial filter technology, and medical protective equipment. Its products include vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum cleaner nozzles, filters, and attachment flanges for vacuum cleaner bags. These products are developed and produced for both industrial clients and the operating division’s own end-user business. Under its core brands, Swirl® and Worwo®, Wolf PVG markets vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum cleaner accessories, and cleaning products for private households in Europe. In addition, the company produces high-quality meltblown and composite materials, e.g. for medical face masks.

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Key Figures ’20

Sales in € thous.





Employees, full-time employees, annual average






Minden, Germany


www.wolf-pvg.de | www.swirl.de | www.worwo.com


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Our highlight of the year

Swirl® Smart Search – the quick search for the right bag

To make it easier for consumers to find the right bag for their vacuum cleaner, Wolf PVG has developed a useful tool called Swirl® Smart Search: at www.swirl.info, consumers can scan the type plate of their vacuum cleaner using their cell phone or enter their vacuum cleaner model manually – also on their computer. The matching Swirl® bag then appears automatically on the screen and can either be saved for the next shopping trip or ordered directly from the online store.

Our positioning

Wolf PVG boasts a high level of innovation and a wide range of products. The extraordinary variety of products and vertical integration of the division provides a one-stop solution for its customers. From design to engineering, as well as tool and machine construction, to serial manufacturing, Wolf PVG steers all services. The operating division is renowned for its high-quality standards and its strict alignment with client and consumer needs. This high level of expertise was systematically expanded in 2020 to include the area of filter nonwovens for medical face masks.

Our strategy

In its core business of vacuum cleaner bags, Wolf PVG plans to maintain its leading position in the European core markets over the long term and to expand it in certain regions. The topics of brand management, digitization, and sustainability all play an important role in these efforts. In order to counter the creeping decline in demand in this segment, new areas of expertise are to be developed and the business model placed on a broader footing. A first step has already been taken; further projects are being developed or are currently in the review phase.

Market and business trends in 2020

Fiscal 2020 proved to be a very successful year for Wolf PVG on the whole and its Polish subsidiary Worwo also made excellent progress. In the wake of the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there was increasing demand for vacuum cleaner bags – thus halting the long-term decline in sales volumes. Due to the pandemic-related closure of numerous outlets, there was a significant shift in demand to online business. The operating division achieved revenue growth with its core brands Swirl® and Worwo® (Poland und Eastern Europe) in the retail sector, while its B2B business with vacuum cleaner accessory products declined slightly – compared to the exceptionally high demand of the previous year. In 2020, Wolf PVG continued the investment drive launched in 2019 in order to further raise its efficiency in production. Moreover, significant investments were made in an additional high-performance meltblown line to establish the new business field of filter nonwovens. Sales in this new business field started in March 2020.

Outlook 2021

Wolf PVG expects to successfully continue along the path taken in 2020 in its current fiscal year. Due to the increased hygiene awareness of consumers, the core business with vacuum cleaner bags in particular is expected to be more stable. The operating division therefore plans to develop a new generation of bags for its Swirl®-brand business and to successfully launch various product development projects in its B2B segment. A test approach is also being sought for the division’s own bag solution for battery-powered stick vacuums. At the same time, Wolf PVG will expand its business with meltblown materials in order to establish new revenue streams for its business model.