Melitta Group Annual Report 2023

Dialogue with our stakeholders

Identification of stakeholder groups

A number of different stakeholder groups are interested in our activities. At the same time, we are active in many business fields and sectors in which sustainability issues are being discussed in detail at a national or global level by stakeholders from a wide range of groups in society, or in which we address sustainability-relevant topics. We have identified and prioritized these stakeholders on the basis of internal analyses and discussions within the Corporate Sustainability Team and in consultation with the operating and corporate divisions.

Our stakeholders include our business customers, consumers, our employees, our suppliers, and our investors. They also include representatives of the media and other multipliers, science and research, consumer organizations, trade unions, and politicians, as well as relevant non-governmental organizations and civil society.

Stakeholder dialogue

We communicate regularly with our stakeholders using a range of channels, such as face-to-face meetings, surveys, events, gatherings, and trade shows. We offer opportunities for dialogue via our website, our Intranet, our social media offerings, newsletters, magazines, and other types of public relations work. We also engage in dialogue with our stakeholders via numerous initiatives, collaborations, and associations in which we participate. In late 2021, we conducted an extensive stakeholder survey. Based on these findings, we subsequently updated our materiality matrix and our Sustainability House.

Stakeholder survey 2021

In order to review our materiality matrix, we conducted a stakeholder survey in 2021. We interviewed a total of 103 persons in the most important regions for us – Germany, Brazil, and North America. Further interviews were also conducted with selected stakeholders to explore specific issues in greater depth. During several in-house workshops, the topics identified as material were then plotted in the matrix according to their relevance for the Melitta Group. The resulting changes to our materiality matrix were described in our Sustainability Update 2021.

What we achieved in 2022

  • Finalized and evaluated a stakeholder survey (including in-depth interviews on outstanding strategic topics)
  • Intensified and expanded our stakeholder dialogue and engagement, particularly in the areas of coffee, energy, and socio-economic dialogue on transformation

What we are currently working on

  • Expansion of stakeholder dialogue through participation in exhibitions, panel discussions, conferences, industry meetings, and parliamentary breakfasts
  • Further expansion of our stakeholder network, particularly in the areas of coffee, energy, and transformation, as well as intensification of dialogue with key stakeholders.