Melitta Group Annual Report 2023

We create the future of pulp


We require pulp in particular for the production of coffee filter papers (Melitta Europe – Coffee Preparation Division), and vacuum cleaner bags (Wolf PVG), as well as special papers and nonwovens (Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier). In addition, much of our packaging is made of paper or cardboard.

In our value creation area “Paper and pulp”, the production process in particular is associated with sustainability-relevant challenges: as pulp is usually made from wood fibers, virgin wood is needed for the production of primary material. Large quantities of water and chemicals and a great deal of energy are used to produce new paper from these wood fibers. This in turn results in various types of pollution and high CO2 emissions. In addition, many countries lack the structures to implement sustainable forestry. The consequences are uncontrolled logging, a reduction in the stock of trees, and a monoculture of fast-growing tree species that influences the ecosystem. In addition to these environmental impacts, pulp production can give rise to humanitarian and social challenges.

Nevertheless, the environmentally and socially responsible production of pulp can make a contribution to sustainable forestry, and pulp does not always necessarily have to be wood-based. This also opens up opportunities for new, future-oriented solutions and products.

An illustration of the paper and pulp value chain of Melitta

Targets and KPIs

Our aim is to make our vision of the “Pulp of the Future” a reality:

The “Pulp of the Future”

… comes from recycled or sustainably managed sources,

… is processed in a climate-friendly way which uses water sustainably,

… undergoes material recycling at the end of its useful life, and

… biodegrades fully in the natural world.

By 2025, we want to switch to using recycled paper and pulp. In cases where this is not possible for legal or other reasons, we want to use only forestry resources from certified, sustainably managed forests. In doing so, we are guided by the concept of the “Pulp of the Future”.

At 99.7 percent, we already procure a high proportion of certified pulp. These certifications are from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC™). We have been a member of FSC® International since 2020: we support the organization’s activities and advocate its objectives. As the FSC® is a supply chain certification, this commitment also has an impact on shaping the sustainability of supply chains. We are aware of the fact that the continuous development process demanded by the FSC® for national and regional forestry standards is an important prerequisite for improving the protection of biodiversity and greenhouse gas storage in forests.

Our operating divisions Melitta Europe – Coffee Preparation Division (Minden site) and Melitta South America (Celupa site) have their own FSC® certifications for paper production and are audited annually regarding their compliance with the certificate’s requirements. In 2021, we obtained FSC® certification for the paper conversion facilities of our operating divisions Melitta North America and Melitta Single Portions. In 2022, we dealt in particular with the impact of the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains and products on our processes, as well as options for using wood-free pulp.

Paper and pulp




Amount of pulp procured (in 1,000 t)




Proportion of procured wood pulp with FSC® and/or PEFC™ certification (in %)




Besides sourcing certified pulp, we want the production of our paper-based products to have as little impact on the climate as possible and to use water sustainably. Our goal is to reduce water consumption at our paper-producing facilities by a further 25 percent by 2025. We have already achieved this target at our paper mill in Celupa with a 26.7 percent reduction of water consumption from 2020 to 2022.

At our largest paper-producing facility in Minden, we already succeeded in significantly reducing water consumption several years ago: whereas the average German paper plant requires 10 m3 of water per ton and produces 9 m3 of waste water according to the German Paper Technology Foundation (“Papiertechnische Stiftung”), our site in Minden consumes only 3 m3 of water per ton and produces 1.3 m3 of waste water. This significantly below-average consumption level was made possible in particular by consistently recirculating process water, by using water treatment plants and filters, as well as by investing heavily in modern machines and systems.

Water consumption in m3




Total water withdrawal at our paper-producing sites




thereof surface water




thereof groundwater




thereof seawater




thereof produced water




thereof water from third parties (municipal water)




Illustration showing the importance of the future of pulp in Melittas strategy

What we achieved in 2022

  • Analyzed pulp-related supply chains, assessed risks, and derived improvement potential
  • Tested and verified pulps as alternatives to wood-based pulp as part of a life cycle assessment
  • Renewed our existing FSC® and PEFC™ certifications
  • Implemented a new FSC® standard at the operating division Melitta Europe – Coffee Preparation Division (checking for origin from conflict regions)
  • Implemented core labor standards from the extended list of requirements of the FSC® standard (human rights)
  • Optimized production technology to improve water cycle management at Melitta South America’s Celupa facility

What we are currently working on

  • Determination of the need for further action, examination of strategic options, as well as preparation of roadmaps for the relevant operating divisions
  • Production launch of new filter systems to reduce the required water volumes at Melitta South America
  • Implementation of requirements from EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains and products